Handling FITS files =================== .. note:: If you are already familiar with PyFITS, `astropy.io.fits` is in fact the same code as the latest version of PyFITS, and you can adapt old scripts that use PyFITS to use Astropy by simply doing:: from astropy.io import fits as pyfits However, for new scripts, we recommend the following import:: from astropy.io import fits Documentation ------------- For more information about the features presented below, you can read the `astropy.io.fits `_ docs. Before you proceed ------------------ If you have not already done so, download `this `_ file and then expand it and go into this directory:: tar xvzf astropy4mpik.tar.gz cd astropy4mpik Then start up IPython with the ``--pylab`` option to enable easy plotting:: ipython --pylab Data ---- The data used in this page (``gll_iem_v02_P6_V11_DIFFUSE.fit``) is an old version of the LAT Background Model (Pass 6 V11 Diffuse front+back) which was chosen so as not to have to download the larger more recent file. Reading FITS files and accessing data ------------------------------------- Opening a FITS file is relatively straightforward. We can open the LAT Background Model included in the tutorial files:: >>> from astropy.io import fits >>> hdulist = fits.open('gll_iem_v02_P6_V11_DIFFUSE.fit') The returned object, ``hdulist``, behaves like a Python list, and each element maps to a Header-Data Unit (HDU) in the FITS file. You can view more information about the FITS file with: >>> hdulist.info() Filename: gll_iem_v02_P6_V11_DIFFUSE.fit No. Name Type Cards Dimensions Format 0 PRIMARY PrimaryHDU 34 (720, 360, 30) float32 1 ENERGIES BinTableHDU 19 30R x 1C [D] As we can see, this file contains two HDUs. To access the primary HDU, which contains the main data, you can then do:: >>> hdu = hdulist[0] The ``hdu`` object then has two important attributes: ``data``, which behaves like a Numpy array, can be used to access the data, and ``header``, which behaves like a dictionary, can be used to access the header information. First, we can take a look at the data:: >>> hdu.data.shape (30, 360, 720) This tells us that it is a 3-d cube. We can now take a peak at the header >>> hdu.header SIMPLE = T / Written by IDL: Thu Jan 20 07:19:05 2011 BITPIX = -32 / NAXIS = 3 / number of data axes NAXIS1 = 720 / length of data axis 1 NAXIS2 = 360 / length of data axis 2 NAXIS3 = 30 / length of data axis 3 EXTEND = T / FITS dataset may contain extensions COMMENT FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format is defined in 'Astronomy COMMENT and Astrophysics', volume 376, page 359; bibcode: 2001A&A...376..359H FLUX = 8.42259635886 / CRVAL1 = 0. / Value of longitude in pixel CRPIX1 CDELT1 = 0.5 / Step size in longitude CRPIX1 = 360.5 / Pixel that has value CRVAL1 CTYPE1 = 'GLON-CAR' / The type of parameter 1 (Galactic longitude in CUNIT1 = 'deg ' / The unit of parameter 1 CRVAL2 = 0. / Value of latitude in pixel CRPIX2 CDELT2 = 0.5 / Step size in latitude CRPIX2 = 180.5 / Pixel that has value CRVAL2 CTYPE2 = 'GLAT-CAR' / The type of parameter 2 (Galactic latitude in C CUNIT2 = 'deg ' / The unit of parameter 2 CRVAL3 = 50. / Energy of pixel CRPIX3 CDELT3 = 0.113828620540137 / log10 of step size in energy (if it is logarith CRPIX3 = 1. / Pixel that has value CRVAL3 CTYPE3 = 'photon energy' / Axis 3 is the spectra CUNIT3 = 'MeV ' / The unit of axis 3 CHECKSUM= '3fdO3caL3caL3caL' / HDU checksum updated 2009-07-07T22:31:18 DATASUM = '2184619035' / data unit checksum updated 2009-07-07T22:31:18 DATE = '2009-07-07' / FILENAME= '$TEMPDIR/diffuse/gll_iem_v02.fit' /File name with version number TELESCOP= 'GLAST ' / INSTRUME= 'LAT ' / ORIGIN = 'LISOC ' /LAT team product delivered from the LISOC OBSERVER= 'MICHELSON' /Instrument PI HISTORY Scaled version of gll_iem_v02.fit for use with P6_V11_DIFFUSE which shows that this is a Plate Carrée (-CAR) projection in Galactic Coordinates, and the third axis is photon energy. We can access individual header keywords using standard item notation:: >>> hdu.header['TELESCOP'] 'GLAST' >>> hdu.header['INSTRUME'] 'LAT' Provided that we started up ``ipython`` with the ``--pylab`` flag, we can plot one of the slices in photon energy:: >>> plt.imshow(hdu.data[0,:,:], origin='lower') which gives: .. image:: lat_background_slice0.png Note that this is just a plot of an array, so the coordinates are just pixel coordinates at this stage. The data is stored with longitude increasing to the right (the opposite of the normal convention), but the Level 3 problem at the bottom of this page shows how to correctly flip the image. Modifying data or header information in a FITS file object is easy. We can update existing header keywords:: >>> hdu.header['TELESCOP'] = "Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope" or add new ones:: >>> hdu.header['MODIFIED'] = '26 Feb 2013' # adds a new keyword and we can also change the data, for example extracting only the first slice in photon energy:: >>> hdu.data = hdu.data[0,:,:] Note that this does not change the original FITS file, simply the FITS file object in memory. Note that since the data is now 2-dimensional, we can remove the WCS keywords for the third dimension:: hdu.header.remove('CRPIX3') hdu.header.remove('CRVAL3') hdu.header.remove('CDELT3') hdu.header.remove('CUNIT3') hdu.header.remove('CTYPE3') You can write the FITS file object to a file with:: >>> hdu.writeto('lat_background_model_slice.fits') if you want to simply write out this HDU to a file, or:: >>> hdulist.writeto('lat_background_model_slice_allhdus.fits') if you want to write out all of the original HDUs, including the modified one, to a file. Creating a FITS file from scratch --------------------------------- If you want to create a FITS file from scratch, you need to start off by creating an HDU object:: >>> hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU() and you can then populate the data and header attributes with whatever information you like:: >>> import numpy as np >>> hdu.data = np.random.random((128,128)) Note that setting the data automatically populates the header with basic information: >>> hdu.header SIMPLE = T / conforms to FITS standard BITPIX = -64 / array data type NAXIS = 2 / number of array dimensions NAXIS1 = 128 NAXIS2 = 128 EXTEND = T and you should never have to set header keywords such as ``NAXIS``, ``NAXIS1``, and so on manually. We can then set additional header keywords:: >>> hdu.header['telescop'] = 'Python Observatory' and we can then write out the FITS file to disk:: >>> hdu.writeto('random_array.fits') If the file already exists, you can overwrite it with:: >>> hdu.writeto('random_array.fits', clobber=True) Convenience functions --------------------- In cases where you just want to access the data or header in a specific HDU, you can use the following convenience functions:: >>> data = fits.getdata('gll_iem_v02_P6_V11_DIFFUSE.fit') >>> header = fits.getheader('gll_iem_v02_P6_V11_DIFFUSE.fit') To get the data or header for an HDU other than the first, you can specify the extension name or index. The second HDU is called ``energies``, so we can do:: >>> data = fits.getdata('gll_iem_v02_P6_V11_DIFFUSE.fit', extname='energies') or:: >>> data = fits.getdata('gll_iem_v02_P6_V11_DIFFUSE.fit', ext=1) and similarly for ``getheader``. Accessing Tabular Data ---------------------- Tabular data behaves very similarly to image data such as that shown above, but the data array is a structured Numpy array which requires column access via the item notation:: >>> from astropy.io import fits >>> hdulist = fits.open('gll_psc_v08.fit') >>> hdulist[1].name 'LAT_Point_Source_Catalog' >>> hdulist[1].data['RAJ2000'] array([ 2.33711034e-01, 4.38849270e-01, 6.79812014e-01, ..., 3.59759430e+02, 3.59859894e+02, 3.59906921e+02], dtype=float32) >>> hdulist[1].data['DEJ2000'] array([ -7.81549788, -41.99647903, 62.33962631, ..., -30.62516785, 67.86333466, 65.73053741], dtype=float32) Practical Exercises ------------------- .. admonition:: Level 1 Try and read in one of your own FITS files using ``astropy.io.fits``, and see if you can also plot the array values in Matplotlib. Also, examine the header, and try and extract individual values. You can even try and modify the data/header and write the data back out - but take care not to write over the original file! .. admonition:: Level 2 Read in the LAT Point Source Catalog and make a scatter plot of the Galactic Coordinates of the sources (complete with axis labels). Bonus points if you can make the plot go between -180 and 180 instead of 0 and 360 degrees. Note that the Point Source Catalog contains the Galactic Coordinates, so no need to convert them. .. raw:: html

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:: from astropy.io import fits from matplotlib import pyplot as plt # Read in Point Source Catalog hdulist = fits.open('gll_psc_v08.fit') psc = hdulist[1].data # Extract Galactic Coordinates l = hdulist[1].data['GLON'] b = hdulist[1].data['GLAT'] # Coordinates from 0 to 360, wrap to -180 to 180 to match image l[l > 180.] -= 360. # Plot the image fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, aspect='equal') ax.scatter(l, b) ax.set_xlim(180., -180.) ax.set_ylim(-90., 90.) ax.set_xlabel('Galactic Longitude') ax.set_ylabel('Galactic Latitude') fig.savefig('fits_level2.png', bbox_inches='tight') .. image:: fits_level2.png .. raw:: html
.. admonition:: Level 3 Using Matplotlib, make an all-sky plot of the LAT Background Model in the Plate Carée projection showing the LAT Point Source Catalog overlaid with markers, and with the correct coordinates on the axes. You should do this using only ``astropy.io.fits``, Numpy, and Matplotlib (no WCS or coordinate conversion library). Hint: the -CAR projection is such that the x pixel position is proportional to longitude, and the y pixel position to latitude. Bonus points for a pretty colormap. .. raw:: html

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:: from astropy.io import fits from matplotlib import pyplot as plt # Read in Background Model hdulist = fits.open('gll_iem_v02_P6_V11_DIFFUSE.fit') bg = hdulist[0].data[0, :, :] # Read in Point Source Catalog hdulist = fits.open('gll_psc_v08.fit') psc = hdulist[1].data # Extract Galactic Coordinates l = hdulist[1].data['GLON'] b = hdulist[1].data['GLAT'] # Coordinates from 0 to 360, wrap to -180 to 180 to match image l[l > 180.] -= 360. # Plot the image fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) ax.imshow(bg ** 0.5, extent=[-180., 180., -90., 90.], cmap=plt.cm.gist_heat, origin='lower', vmin=0, vmax=2e-3) ax.scatter(l, b, s=10, edgecolor='none', facecolor='blue', alpha=0.5) ax.set_xlim(180., -180.) ax.set_ylim(-90., 90.) ax.set_xlabel('Galactic Longitude') ax.set_ylabel('Galactic Latitude') fig.savefig('fits_level3.png', bbox_inches='tight') .. image:: fits_level3.png .. raw:: html